Interviews With Urbanouts #1 - Dim Dekorasyon
He ho adventurer! Welcome on board! Time to meet Urbanouts in Urban Creatives Galaxy! Urban Creatives Blog proudly presents #InterviewsWithUrbanouts - #1 Dim Dekorasyon We are proud to launch monthly interview series with the creatives, aka Urbanouts, as they are crucial part of our lovely multidisciplinary design community. Urbanouts are the source of creative urban ideas as they are fully open to create something unique while enjoying mutual collaboration. Every month, we handpick the creatives who are enrolled in Urban Creatives Network Database and take part in various projects with Urban Creatives. These interviews aim to promote their works and contributions to Urban Creatives community. As an essential component of Urban Creatives Core Team, successful product designer Nihan Basaran from Dim Dekorasyon is our first Urbanout to discover. She is not only a talented designer but also true partner and the supporter of the journey Urban Creatives since the beginning. Let...